Detective trail
St. Georgen am KreischbergGet the detective map at the information office on the Kreischberg & explore many different places in the village.
Go on a secret mission through St. Georgen and St. Lorenzen using the map of the town. At each station you will find a colorful little house in which a stamp is hidden. There is a letter on each stamp. Stamp each letter in the right place in this detective book and you will find a secret solution word on the last page.
If you have filled in everything correctly, go to the Kreischberg information office - hand in your detective pass and collect your reward for your great spy work.
Depending on the weather, accessible daily all year round.
01/01/2024 - 31/12/2026
Monday - Sunday
all day
Informationsbüro Kreischberg
Kreischbergstraße 20/1
8861 St. Georgen ob Murau
Kreischbergstraße 20/1
8861 St. Georgen ob Murau
+43 (0)3532 2720