FREI-ZEIT by Enns (damaliges Tennisstüberl) - Impression #1

FREI-ZEIT by Enns (damaliges Tennisstüberl)

Gröbminger Land

THIRSTY or HUNGRY? Whether cycling or motorcycling / walking / playing tennis or just because? The "FREI-ZEIT" is for EVERYONE (not just for tennis lovers)!

Whether cycling or motorcycling / walking / playing tennis or just because? The "FREI-ZEIT" is for EVERYONE (not just for tennis lovers)!

What do we have to offer?
Beer on tap (Pilsner Urquell and Schladminger), homemade lemonades and cocktails, the classics, wine & Co., coffee and sweets, ice cream, small snacks, pizza and much more....


FREI-ZEIT by Enns (damaliges Tennisstüberl)
Pruggern 429

8965 Michaelerberg-Pruggern